Experience joy
The most recent update includes a few new works including the adjacent PETSCII rendition of 'Dance II' by Henri Matisse. I also put up some of my latest stamp image collages on the illustration page

About The Logo
The logotype is created in the font Fast99, created by Perth, Australia designer Fred Fife. Fred crafted and released many fonts from roughly 1998 to 2001 under the un-Googlable moniker ".ttf". Names of which include, but are not limited to: Coketail, Sixty, BacktoBay6Regular, CityContrasts, Lead Coat, Grasping, Fast 99, Asman, City Contrast, Froufrou, Enervate, Morse 2050, Wash 99, Sewer Sys, Pixel Shift, FlushOut, Type-Simple (old typewriter), 80 Decibels, Diager, Colour Brush, Back To Bay Six, Broke, Molten (neat!), One Way, Outwrite, OldFax, Comicate, Horrendous (erasure font), Milit, MyPager (dot font), and Stocky. You still can find some or all of them available at many of the numerous free font sites on the internet.
An archive of fonts by Fred Fife with proper attribution (.ttf)Developer notes
Gratitude to Eric Meyer, Material UI, Google Fonts, jQuery, and FontAwesome